12 Days of Christmas - New Mama Self Care Addition

On the first day of Christmas my True Love gave to me - one night of restful sleep


Now if that doesn't sound like a dream I don't know what does!

But sleep aside there are a lot of ways to care for yourself this hectic season. 

Gift yourself 12 days of actionable and time friendly self-care activities to bring a little more jolly and a bit less grinchy vibes to your holidays. All FREE and sent right to your inbox to consume at your leisure. 

12 Days of Christmas

Feel calmer and more present this holiday season. 

Free 12 days of self care practices/tools/recipes to bring a bit more joy to your day to day

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We all know self-care is important and that we should be adding some in each day but sometimes knowing exactly what to do can be a challenge

Put down that heavy mental load and allow me to guide you over the next 12 days for easy to do anywhere self-care activities. Take the guess work out, no additional thinking required on your end. Follow along over the next 12 days and figure out what care activities you really enjoy, are easy to implement and want to make part of your daily practice in the New Year. 

These short and to the point emails will be a mix of emotional supports and physical practices, nervous system regulation techniques and even the occasional quick treat. 

I'm a doctor of physical therapy, certified yoga teacher, certified pre and postnatal coach, EFT practitioner and postpartum wellness coach. Self- care and realistic goals and new habits are a main stay of my own sanity and a big part of my practice as well. I know the holidays can be stressful but I also know you can find 5-10 minutes a day for yourself. You will thank yourself for this one! 


Happy Holidays Mama 


12 Days of Christmas

Feel calmer and more present this holiday season. 

Free 12 days of self care practices/tools/recipes to bring a bit more joy to your day to day

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